Theodore Spaulding

when to consult an Atlanta lawyer for a truck accident

When to Consult an Atlanta Lawyer for a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents are near everyday occurrences, which leaves many wondering if or when they need to hire an Atlanta truck…

how can a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta help?

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer in Atlanta Help?

Truck accidents are often chaotic and overwhelming, leaving injured parties and their families to deal with the fallout—including physical injuries,…


Factors for the Increase of Large Truck Accidents in Atlanta

In recent years, the number of large truck accidents in Atlanta has continued to rise, leaving more and more victims…

American truck damaged during the accident

What Are the Most Common Causes of Georgia Truck Accidents?

Truck accidents are often devastating, resulting in serious injuries and even fatalities. If you suffered injuries and losses in a…

what to do after a motorcycle accident in atlanta

What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident in Atlanta?

Being in a motorcycle accident can be scary and overwhelming. But while your primary focus should be on seeking medical…

can you sue a county for your injury claim

Can You Sue a County For Your Injury Claim?

If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of a government entity in Georgia, you may be wondering if you…

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

If you secure compensation through a personal injury settlement, how and when you get paid depends on certain factors.  …

tattoo infections causes symptoms legal options

Tattoo Infections: Causes, Symptoms, & Legal Options

Getting a tattoo is a popular way for many people to express themselves artistically, but it can also come with…

the highestpaid lawyers

The Highest-Paid Lawyers

Are you curious about the earning potential of attorneys? You may have seen lawyers living luxurious lifestyles in movies or…

Personal Injury Lawsuit

How Long After An Accident Can You Sue For Personal Injury?

The legal timeline for filing a personal injury lawsuit after an accident depends on state law and the case specifics.…